Glenn College

[Business Translation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2)] Homework comment


Name MINAE KIM Date23-05-09 05:04 View2,200 Comment2


Dear Mason,

Hello, this is Minae Kim.
I'd like to know about your comment.

You wrote the comment of 'EtoKMODULE12020-student.doc '.
When I do homework, I usually search in the Internet.
But I didn't use every sentence of that from searching.
I just made my answer and edit from that I found in the Internet.

Anyway, I just want to say I will do my best on homework,first I will try for myself and then I will find on the Internet as the next step.
But I'm afraid I will not gain the good scroe about homework.
Please write detailed comment of every homework.
That will make me better :)

Thank you and if you have any concern or any comment for me, feel free to contact me.

Best Regards,
Minae Kim

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