Glenn College

[Business Translation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2)] reg. quiz submission


Name Koeun Choe Date23-06-03 22:58 View2,772 Comment2


Hi. I'm on my ITT Business level 1,2 now.
I have submitted 3 quizzes so far.
I had a technical issue with my computer and microsoft word program when I submitted my 2nd quiz, which I didn't know. And Thus I couldn't get the full marks or good marks for it although i finished my homework well.
From then on, I get really anxious to upload my file since I know all those marks will be added up in the end and will affect on the result of the test itself.
Will there be other way to upload the file rather than word file like pdf one. Then i will be sure that the proper file is uploaded. If your system can't accept it, could i at least send the pdf file version to the teacher (Mason) so that I don't get marked down.
Thank you.

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