[Business Translation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2)] E to K Module 5.
Name HEEYOUNG LEE Date23-06-14 08:49 View2,445 Comment1Content
It is about the 'color revolution' mentioned in 5-1
I googled color revolution, and it said color revolution means an anti-regime protest movement ~~ blah blah ~~
So I translated it as '반 정부 시위' rather than just '색깔 혁명'
Should I just say 색깔 혁명 since we already have an exact Korean word for the color revolution?
Thank you .
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Hello Heeyoung!
Great work! I am glad that you took the time to do your research and find out the meaning before you translated it.
Although there is no one correct answer here, what we will need to think about is how common the term "색깔 혁명" in Korean. Not only that, we must consider the context and the depth of topic in the original article as well. In my opinion, saying either should work but if one were to translate the term "color revolution" as "색깔 혁명", I believe it is extremely important to do the research and understand the term, which you did in this case, so once again, great job!
I hope this is clear!
Best regards,
Mason U, CMI-Korean
Business Interpretation and Translation in Korean (BIT-K) Instructor