[Online TESOL] Online TESOL
Name MINJAE KIM Date23-06-20 05:26 View2,718 Comment3Content
Hello, above all, I'd like to appreciate your lessons, and I'm studying hard.
However, I have a question about your Mid-Test.
I think Question 9, 14 in Mid Test has ambiguous expression.
I think "that" course could be included in two different stages.
I'm sure of it because I've heard it from this TESOL class.
Plz take consider of it.
Thank you.
However, I have a question about your Mid-Test.
I think Question 9, 14 in Mid Test has ambiguous expression.
I think "that" course could be included in two different stages.
I'm sure of it because I've heard it from this TESOL class.
Plz take consider of it.
Thank you.
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Allan Scafe님의 댓글

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Allan Scafe님의 댓글