Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Show and Tell activities & quiz9


Name JUN WOO KWON Date18-04-05 20:43 View5,730 Comment2


Hi, Allan!

1. Show and Tell
Something rushed upon my mind. So I post it here because I wanna get your advice again, sir!
What I wanna ask you is, As a teacher, if we do 'show and tell' activities, how can we help shy or weak students to become more confident when they speak in front of the class? Of course sometimes I feel like I know what they're struggling with and what they're trying to express. But It is really hard to make them being more self confident especially when they are so embarrassed!

2. quiz9
"Dependent questions should be used when planning or thinking of questions." The answer is true.

Hmm.... my thought was like as below, sir!
Dependent questions should be used after independent questions being asked first. This is basically what you said in the lesson actually. But I thought dependent questions need to be prepared when we plan or think of some questions. If students give you positive responses to independent questions, dependent questions might be used eventually I thought.

P.S.) ......and if you have time, could you check my previous post once again, sir? It was about quiz7&8 and I wrote full questions there as you said.

Thanks a lot!
Have a nice day and have a good weekend!

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Allan Scafe님의 댓글

Allan Scafe 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi Jun Woo Kwon,

Let's take a look at your questions:

1.)  Good question!  It is always a struggle to get out weak, and especially shy, students to speak up.  In regards to getting weak students to speak up, as long as you've provided them with some good examples first, and then gotten a few of the stronger students to answer the first few questions, they should be fine.  In regards to helping shy students, this is much harder.  Of course it would be best to ask questions to strong students first, weak students afterwards, and lastly, try to get your shy students to speak up.  Unfortunately there is no 100% guaranteed way to get shy students to speak up, but in my experience, this does work (not all the time though).

2.)  You have a good point, but unfortunately, the statement is still true.  However, that being said, it is still okay to ask dependent questions after asking independent questions. 

Oh, and I checked your previous post, but I'm still unable to answer the questions you have until I see the full original questions.  I'll talk to my Manager, and hopefully get back to you later (I'm pretty busy these days). 

Anyhow, I hope that helps and have a wonderful weekend!

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