Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Questions for final assignment


Name JIEUN CHOI Date23-08-05 05:23 View2,842 Comment3


Hi, Allan
I'm Jieun, who asked about the last assignment on Friday.(maybe it was Saturday in Canada, I think..)
When you gave me a lot of tips for the assignment.. I wrote it all down.
Now I deleted it by mistake...
I just want to know exactly what should go into the last assignment.
I would like to know more than what you said in my memory and video.

As far as I remember....
-'4 need to knows(aims, new language of focus(like what structures or vocabulary to teach ), 5~6 stages(Instroduction, practice, ~~ at least one skill that I want to teach, etc.), what to do in each stage'
-time (ex. Introduction(5mins))
-Visual(or teaching) aids -> If I use video short or movies or music video, include the link of video.
-One lesson plan to teach can be 1hr or half. (It may differ depending on what I teach)
-what level (I just chose beginner class, age 5~7 or lower grade of elementary)

And also you gave me few examples for a lesson plan.. I really want to know some examples.. and if I missed anything or need to know something please leave me a comment.. can't remember it. I'm crying_____
Thank you for reading the long one.

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Thank you sir, I hope you had a great holiday:)
I have little bit pressure to make a lesson plan pefrectly. Your comment is helpful!

Have a great day:)

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