Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Dear Allan


Name JUN WOO KWON Date18-04-16 03:47 View5,207 Comment3


I finally uploaded my final assignment. I put my every effort into my final assignment. I hope you enjoy it.
It looks like my work here is done now. I've been intensively dived into TESOL class during 6 weeks.
Your instructions have been really helpful and I feel like I have had some interesting insights through every single lesson!
What I remember most was "Always try to be imaginative and creative." That sounds really impressive. Anyhow, I will keep trying my best, sir!
Thank you for the instructions, a tons of advice, and all your helps!
Have a nice day, sir!


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Allan Scafe님의 댓글

Allan Scafe 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi Jun Woo Kwon,

I'm so glad that you were able to learn a lot throughout the course.  It really does brighten up my day!

I look forward to reading over your final assignment sometime soon!  Unfortunately I am currently behind on marking, so it may take a couple of days to get your final assignment marked.  However, it should be marked within the next five days!

Anyhow, thank you again for your kind words of appreciation!

Allan Scafe님의 댓글

Allan Scafe 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hey again Jun Woo Kwon,

In regards to whether your topic about being a vegetarian is a bit too tough for lower level students, I would have to say that it is.  However, for intermediate level students I think it is quite an interesting topic.  So, basically I would say that it is an okay for intermediate level classes, but probably would not work well for beginners. 

Well, hope that helps and have a wonderful day!

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