Glenn College

[Business Translation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2)] Course Date


Name Jiyeon Lee Date23-09-03 04:21 View2,142 Comment2


Dear. Whom it may concern.

 Hello this is Jiyeon Lee who is taking Adv. ITT1.2 Translation course.
I have completed 4 weeks of study so far,  have two fianl exams to go and it seems like the due date was Sep 1st and I missed it.
I somehow miscalculated the whole course date and thought I had an extra week until the deadline.
I think I have done a pretty good job so far and I was wondering if there is any way I can take the final tests to complete the course.

Well, I am not sure if it can make the situation any better, but I have been occupied taking care of my mother
who is going to have a surgery on Monday the 4th and I am more than happy to get a hospital certificate and submit it if it is required.
Although the sugery itself is not complaicated, - since it is caract surgery- my mother is a cancer paitent so the whole precedure got quite
complexed so we needed to take a few medical tests before the surgery. I am her legal gardian who also has a full time job so my hands were tied for the last few weeks.
So please do let me know if there is any other option I can take.

Hoepfully, I can hear from you soon.



J.Y. Lee

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