Glenn College

[Online TESOL] module 4 quiz


Name Jeeyun Youm Date23-09-11 17:16 View2,502 Comment2


Hello, teacher. :)
I have a question about the comment.
In the teacher's comment, you said that I should have mentioned 'pre-reading' activity, but I think I mentioned several pre-reading activities.
I think the yellow part of my answer is the explanation of pre-reading.
Could you tell me the detail, and the correct answer? :)

The picture is unclear, so I would copy the answer and the comment. The underlined part of my answer is the explanation of pre-reading that I thought.

How can we help guide our students into reading activities? Please write down some of your ideas.
Student's answer
At first, we have to motivate them before reading because most of the students are not interested in reading. Teachers can motivate them by having them create relatable questions, look at the relatable images, throwing words that used in the text and having them guess the meaning. We can also try other activities to motivate them, like True or False question, Fill-in-the-blank task, open discussion, and debate. And after reading we can check for understanding by asking questions to them and providing them with a table, chart, diagram, or graph and having them fill it. And then, we can use questions beyond the text to offer them more speaking chances and increase students' fluency.

Teacher's comment

Pretty good answer, but you should have mentioned that any activity we do before reading can be referred to as a 'pre-reading' activity. 

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