Glenn College

[Business Translation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2)_New] Questions


Name Saemi Choi Date23-09-20 18:13 View2,002 Comment3


Good morning! Great instructors

I really thank you for your impressive lectures.

I have three questions.

First one is regarding the usage of a word “suffer”.
I have understood that when somebody has A disease, It is available to write “somebody suffers from A disease.“.
is it possible to express “somebody suffers A disease”? because instructor Mason use the example sentence as follows.
She suffered severe brain trauma.

Second one is about the differences between through/by and with.
I understood that “with innovations“ is correct and “through or by innovations” is wrong.
But you translated ”다단계판매를 통해서“ into “through a multi-level marketing“.
I would like to know the differences between through and with again.

Third one is the usage of a word “consider”.
I would like to know which one is correct “consider sth/sb as noun / adjective” or “consider sth/sb noun / adjective“.

Thank you in advance :)

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Mason 님의 댓글

Mason 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hello Saemi!

Thank you for the questions! Let's see if I can help.

First one is regarding the usage of a word “suffer”.
I have understood that when somebody has A disease, It is available to write “somebody suffers from A disease.“.
is it possible to express “somebody suffers A disease”? because instructor Mason use the example sentence as follows.
She suffered severe brain trauma.

-> Yes, you can say both “to suffer something” or “to suffer from something”. There really is no difference in meaning between the two expressions!

Second one is about the differences between through/by and with.
I understood that “with innovations“ is correct and “through or by innovations” is wrong.
But you translated ”다단계판매를 통해서“ into “through a multi-level marketing“.
I would like to know the differences between through and with again.

-> Unfortunately, I think this cannot be answered with just one or two examples. There are going to be many different situations where one can/can’t be used when the other one can’t/can be used.

For instance, if we want to say:

“우리는 미로를 통해서 마지막 단계로 가야한다.”

We most likely would use the word “through”, not “with”:

“We need to go through a maze to go to the last stage.”

Another example, if we want to say:

“이 행사에서는 통역사를 통해서 대화를 나누시게 됩니다.”

We can say both “through” or “with”:

“In this event, you will be talking to others through/with an interpreter.”

In most cases, I wouldn’t label anything completely “WRONG”, if anything it would be most likely just a weird way to say it. My tip of advice? Try searching up the exact expression you are using on Google. See what comes up the most. This sometimes can give you a better idea.

Third one is the usage of a word “consider”.
I would like to know which one is correct “consider sth/sb as noun / adjective” or “consider sth/sb noun / adjective“.

-> I want to say there really is no difference with very specific expressions as an exception.

For example,

There is an expression “Consider it done” which roughly means “곧 완수하겠습니다.”

It would be slightly odd to say “Consider it as done” but it would still give you the same meaning.

I hope this makes sense!

Best regards,

Mason U, CMI-Korean
Business Interpretation and Translation in Korean (BIT-K) Instructor

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