[Business Translation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2)] [Business Translation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2)] module 1 -video 11
Name Subin Ji Date23-11-27 03:15 View1,633 Comment1Content
A nature lover knows that feet can get hardened and wider from a lot of rough adventures.
-> this is the original sentence. However I don't get it why its transtlated 자연모험가'들'은
Isnt it singular subject? with 'a' nature lover
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Hello Subin!
Thank you for the question.
I completely understand why you are confused here!
Let’s try to take a step away from grammar and try to read other sentences.
You will see that this paragraph repeatedly lists various people: “a grown person”, “a traveler”, “a woman who has had babies”, “a nature lover”.
We see that it is always in singular, right? So should we say we absolutely cannot say “성인들”, “여행자들”, “출산 후의 여성들”, “자연애호가들”?
I think this is a prime example of “meaning-for-meaning” translation compared to “word-for-word” translation. Please don’t get me wrong, yes there are definitely times when this singularity vs plurarity actually matters. Here? I would still convert this into plural forms just because we are not talking about just one person, one traveller, one woman, nor one nature lover.
Let me give you an example:
Say you want to say “Your eyes are pretty” in Korean.
Is it “눈이 정말 이쁘시네요”? or “눈들이 정말 이쁘시네요”? or does it even matter at all? I would like you to think about this and see if it makes any sense yourself!
Kind regards,
Mason U, CMI-Korean
Business Interpretation and Translation in Korean (BIT-K) Instructor