[Online TESOL] Question 8, Module 2
Name Yun Seon Heo Date18-05-26 09:25 View4,784 Comment1Content
I have a question. I've just finished the quiz for module 2 and then I'm really confused about question 8's answer.
Q: Asking our students to translate a word is superior to simply translating a word for them.
I think this question is ambiguous. Are you mentioned which one is superior to ? I re-watched again again to find it. However, you just said asking students to translate the word is a great way to check for understanding after presenting a word. So I think I can't tell which one is superior to the other. Because it is different. Aren't these two techniques used in different ways? If the question is more specific, I will choose the different answer.
How can I compare two techniques? And Which one is superior?
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Hi Yun Seo Heo,
Sorry it took me so long to respond to your question.
Anyhow, in regards to this question, I understand what you're saying. These two techniques are used in different circumstances. While asking students to translate a word is an effective to check for understanding, just giving students a translation is different. It is a good technique if the word is passive and you want to move on quickly, but obviously, relying on translation too much is a bad idea.
While they're used in different situations, they are both used when presenting vocabulary, so unfortunately the question still makes sense. However, I do understand what you're saying and I agree that the question itself is not too good.
Well, that probably isn't the answer you were looking forward to, but I hope it makes sense. If not, please repost and I will try to get back to you as soon as I can.
Oh, and have a good day!