Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Regarding the final assignment


Name jungmin choo Date24-01-08 07:31 View1,695 Comment1


Hello, Mr.Scafe.

I wanted to say thank you, but I don't know where to write it, so I'm writing it here.

Thank you for your sincere comments on my final assignment. :)
I was extremely happy and got good energy at the bigging of the new year after I checked my score!

I have a 4-year-old daughter, so it was helpful and a good inspiration when I made a lesson plan for kids.
It was a very tough time for me to study by caring for my baby at the same time,
but I did my best and I was very happy to get it!

I will keep in mind all you pointed out and taught.
This year, I will improve my English skills to fix English errors to become a good teacher.

Once again,
Thanks for your teaching, and Happy New Year.

Jungmin Choo

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