Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Module 3 and 4


Name Soyeon Kim Date24-01-20 01:34 View1,589 Comment1


Hi Allan!

I ask you to check the answers to short-answer questions in module 3 and module 4.
Also, can you let me know the items of multiple choice and T/F questions in both modules so that I can review them before the mid-term exam?

Ah, and I need your comments about some multiple-choice questions in module 4.
Q4. You said 'picture prompt' or 'single word prompt' would be ideal to do after doing mechanical practice at first, so I thought they were mechanical practice as we can see in the examples on p 2. Can you explain why they are meaningful practices?

Q5. It was a subtle question, I knew charts and graphs are good for review and summary, but you said using them is included in 'post-reading activities', not 'while doing a reading activity'. Can you explain why the answer is like that?

Q8. It was also a tricky question. I knew that "Why?" could make them expand on their original answer, however, you mentioned that teachers can ask other follow-up questions, so I accepted "How?'" as one of the follow-up questions. I think adding "how?" can also make any form of practice more meaningful though haha .. I need your explanation as well.

And the last thing to say is that I want to supplement my answers to the number 8 question in Module 3.
I was lack of time to organize sentences and check answers again, so I couldn't write 'students' in "Because teachers have to check their understanding."  I want to revise this into "Because teachers have to check their students' understanding."  and "Students answer new words and they can get confidence and try to study harder." I hope you can understand my answers! 

I'll wait for your reply. Thank you!
Soyeon Kim

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