Glenn College

[Business Translation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2)] Final ITT Test


Name Soo Min Song Date24-01-28 21:05 View1,799 Comment1


Hello, Mason. Hope you are having a wonderful day!

My name is Soo Min Song and currently taking Business Interpretation Advanced course.
I have finished my translation course as well which was due January 4th.
However, I still haven't received grade for the final ITT test.
Do you have any idea when will my scores be announced?

I also have checked other students' questions regarding the final ITT test scores and saw your reply that the final is sent directly to ITT department and we will be getting the result once they finish scoring. Will they be emailing us the result? or will we be getting phone call?
I'm curious which way will the result will be announced to us.

I appreciate your supports!
Thank you in advance.

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