Glenn College

[Online TESOL] About the score of the quiz 5


Name Eunseo Na Date24-03-02 07:31 View1,397 Comment1


Hi Allan! It’s Eunseo Na taking TESOL class. How are you?
Sorry for not taking calls from you recently. I was in Melbourne, a vintage market, and in bed sleeping til 12pm haha so sorry about that. :(
Anyway! I have a question about my score on the module 5’s quiz. For the last question(10), you commented “Good answer again!” but the score is still 0. I think it’s supposed to be 0.7? So I was wondering if you could fix that again. I know that 0.7 is not a big deal and focusing on my final assignment instead would be a better idea but still, I want to get that score cause I tried my best to answer every long answer question!
Thank you so much! I’ll come back if I have any more questions about the course! (but your explanation is so clear and good so no need to ask a single question for real)

Anyhow, (love it when you say that all the time ahaha)
Eunseo Na

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