Glenn College

[Business Translation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2)] about the result of ITT test


Name Kyoungmi Hong Date24-03-11 19:10 View1,508 Comment2


 Hi, Mason. This is Kyoungmi.
I sent the message below a few days ago, but there was not your reply.
Could I get the score after finishing The Interpretation Course?
I can know you're really busy, but I want to get the answer very soon, Please. ^^

Hi, Mason!
I'm grateful to study with you now. Thank you!
I have a question, Mason.
It's been almost 10 days since I took the ITT test of Business Translation. I saw the time I can study was over and there was the result in the site.
But the result of ITT test didn't include whole scores.

Pls, double check the result, especially ITT scores.
Thanks for your teaching through the videos once again.

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