[Online TESOL] question for Module 5 quiz
Name EUNJI LEE Date18-11-12 04:15 View5,639 Comment1Content
the answer is 'true', but I checked 'false', and it was wrong answer.
I understand it can be used for presenting vocabulary, but can not understand well about 'helping to present new structures'. Even in the video, Teacher Allan explains only about vocabulary examples. Please kindly answer about this if I miss something from my understanding.
thank you! :)
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Hi Eun Ji Lee,
That's a good question, and I can understand your confusion.
While you are right that I did not talk about using flashcards to help to present structures, and only focused on presenting vocabulary, it would make sense that flashcards could also be used as an aid in presenting structures. Remember, that it is only used to help present a structure. So, you could have the structure on a flashcard and present it to students at the beginning of your presentation. Also remember, that it is not used to explain the meaning of the structure, just simply to present it.
Anyhow, one of the reasons I did not talk about presenting structures on flashcards is because I personally do not often do it. However, it can be done, and it can be useful.
Well, I hope that makes sense, and if not, please post again! Have a nice day!