Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Request for Score and Feedback for Module 1-4 Quiz and Question


Name Soyoung Ha Date24-03-26 07:04 View1,296 Comment2


Hello Mr.Scafe,

I hope this email finds you well. I'm Soyoung, currently enrolled in an online TESOL class.I am having so much fun taking your online lecture.

I've finished the quiz from Module 1 to Module 4 so far, and I haven't received any scores or feedback from the writing quizzes yet.
Also, I would appreciate it if you could explain the answers to Q. 4 in module 4. I remember that in the 3 steps description for the practice plan in class, you go through three steps: 1.repetition and substitution, 2. picture prompt or short sentence prompt, and finally, free substitution. I'd like you to explain in more detail to see if your understanding of this part matches the content of the class.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you,


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