Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Module 1 Quiz 1


Name Soyeon Min Date24-04-02 16:29 View1,151 Comment2


Hi Mason,This is Soyeon Min and I cannot access the recording file in Module 1.
I believe the assessment for Module 1 is to listen to the recording and record my own interpretation in mp3 format.
However, I cannot play the file and the downloaded file is not working.

Please check if this is a technical issue.

Thanks. 9a3d03aa2aab6997347aca8eaf3edbf94d2e407e

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Soyeon Min님의 댓글

Soyeon Min 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi Mason,

The issue is still not resolved.
The entire course ends on the 20th, and because the issue is still there, I'm not sure if I could complete the course.
I would really appreciate if you could check this again.

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