Glenn College

[Business Interpretation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2)] Module 1 E to K homework


Name Ahyoung Jung Date24-04-04 07:51 View1,432 Comment1


Hi Mason ! I 'm Ahyoung Jung. I just submitted Module 1 E to K homework and I realized that I misunderstood.
I only did 'fill in the blanks' part . I considered the first quiz as preview because It only said "Listen to the audio files and complete all the blanks."
and also there is another quiz in Module 1, so I thought that I had to submit the whole homework in the next Module 1 quiz (but I found out that it was recording quiz.)  I believe I became confused by the instructions. Nevertheless, I am truly sorry for the mistake I've made. 
Can you give me a chance to resubmit the file? 

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Mason 님의 댓글

Mason 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hello Ahyoung!

Sorry for the delayed response!

So I just checked your submission, and it seems like we might have a little misunderstanding in what we are supposed to do for each submission.

The order of each module should be the following:

1. Submit E to K Homework (Written assignment)
2. Watch E to K Lecture videos
3. Take Quiz E to K (Recording)
4. Watch K to E Lecture videos
5. Take Quiz K to E (Recording)
6. Submit K to E Homework (Recording)

What you have submitted is the #1, and it was done ALMOST correctly, except you just have to include your Preview Vocabulary.

The quizzes you are talking about would be the #3 and #5 of the list above. It looks like you have not submitted them yet. For the quizzes, you will find a separate audio file with 4~5 different sentences for each quiz that you have to interpret.

I hope this makes sense!

Best regards,

Mason U, CMI-Korean

Business Interpretation and Translation in Korean (BIT-K) Instructor

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