Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Marking Final Assignment


Name SUNJONG KIM Date24-04-04 22:33 View1,463 Comment2


Hi Mr. Allan,

Thank you for marking my final assignment. But, there are 2 parts to mark. I think you marked my lesson plan only. What about my demonstration? Can you please check?

And... taking TESOL practicum was really helpful to improve my English. Especially, preparing for the demonstration made my English moved to another level. (But, still far to go ^^. So I am considering to study more)

I have been taking a break with my family over the last 6 months. During this period, I did lots of activities including TESOL & TESOL practicum. Recently, I got a job that pays well. TESOL & TESOL practicum have made my 6-month break(for the first time in my life) more meaningful. Thank you so much.

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