Glenn College

[Online TESOL] About lesson 17.


Name JEONG HYE WON Date24-04-16 07:47 View1,524 Comment2


Hello, Allan.
This is Hyewon, Jeong.

I am confused about third video on lesson 17.
In worksheets for reading and writing part, B worksheet, you give me the answer "Yes or No" about 3 question.
(3question: How clear are the instructions? Should they be in the students' own language?)
Your answer and subtitle do not correspond.
Subtitle shows me the answer "No".
But B worksheet would either be best suited for upper intermediate level students or even advanced students.
So i understood that it could be "Yes".
I am wondering what the answer is, and would you mind explaining more about that?

Hope you have a good one!

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JEONG HYE WON 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 댓글의 댓글 Date

Thanks for detail explanation. My misunderstanding,,,^^ I shoud have understanded about question number3 accurately.
Now, I totally undertsand about that. Thank you.

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