[Online TESOL] module 3 video 3
Name Lael Jung Date24-04-17 01:03 View1,451 Comment1Content
Hi, I was listening to module 3 video 3: questioning strategies and in the video around 10:41 (timeline),
I noticed that you said lazy students probably wont be answering and they will lip sync the answer. So, the question 5 which was 'does this give lazy students a chance not to answer is 'Yes' however, the table you drew, has an 'X' so I am confused whether it is a mistake or the answer is X (no).It would be great if you clarify this. Thank you in advance ;)
I noticed that you said lazy students probably wont be answering and they will lip sync the answer. So, the question 5 which was 'does this give lazy students a chance not to answer is 'Yes' however, the table you drew, has an 'X' so I am confused whether it is a mistake or the answer is X (no).It would be great if you clarify this. Thank you in advance ;)
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