Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Final assignment


Name JONGHYEOK BAEK Date24-06-23 02:08 View739 Comment2


Dear Mr. Scafe.

My name is Jonghyeok Baek, and I finished your online class and submitted my final assignment this afternoon. It was very helpful for me having taken your class. Although I am teaching students in ESL classes, I could learn a lot of things through your class.
I had a little bit rushed taking your classes, and there is a reason why. I am going to open my own English academy, so I want to add a career in my flyer. One thing I ask you is about my final assignment. If you score it faster, so if I can get the diploma earlier, it will be a great help for me.
Maybe I can use jokes learned in your class haha. Thank you so much for teaching me. Please, take care. Bye.

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