Glenn College

[Business Interpertation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2)] module 5 : forecast


Name JOO YOUNG NAM Date19-06-12 08:35 View5,240 Comment4


Hi, teacher!
Thank you for your comments regarding my homework.
And I have a question of #9((Hyundai는 3/4분기에 전례 없는 수준에 도달할 것으로 예상된다)

As I know, both forecasted and forecast is the past participle of the wording, forecast.
So I submitted as follows;
Hyundai is forecast to reach the unprecedented level in the third quarter.
But you changed forecast into forecasted.
I don't know the reason my answer is wrong.

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David Cho님의 댓글

David Cho 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date


Thanks for your question. You're right!
As you have mentioned, both forecast and forecasted can be used in that particular sentence.
Sometimes I will provide suggestions even when the question is not wrong. This way, students are able to learn various ways to say one sentence. (forecast and forecasted can both be used!)
As expected, I have not taken off marks for this sentence, so you don't need to worry.

Have a wonderful day!


JOO YOUNG NAM 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

thank you for your reply. :)

I didn't be aware of your intention at all.
When I get your answer, I have another questions.
#12. The foreman .....and is willing to do it again tomorrow. This is my answer.
 (현장주임은 지난 주에 9명의 근로자를 해고했고 내일 다시 해고하려 한다. )
I think 'be ready to' and 'be willing to' can be used as the meaning of '~ 하려 한다'
and a teacher in video' recommended 'be ready to'.
so I want to know 'be willing to' is wrong or not.

#16. John .... because of his bad habit to speak ...(John은 생각 없이 무심결에 말하는 나쁜 습관 때문에 자주 곤경에 처하곤 했다. )
My spelling 'habbit' is wrong.
but please explain to me not habit to speak but habit of speaking.
Thank you for your reply in advance.

David Cho님의 댓글

David Cho 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

현장주임은 지난 주에 9명의 근로자를 해고했고 내일 다시 해고하려 한다.
The foreman layed off 9 workers last week and is willing to do it again tommorow.

For this question, “willing to” does work. However, this sentence was wrong because of your spelling of “layed” and “tommorrow”, which is incorrect. Like previously mentioned, I try to suggest other ways to write the same sentence to show you various methods of translation. The teacher’s suggestion of “be ready to” does work as well, although I must note that there is an added meaning of “~할 준비가 되어있다”. But again, they would all work.

John은 생각 없이 무심결에 말하는 나쁜 습관 때문에 자주 곤경에 처하곤 했다.
John used to be often in trouble because of his bad habbit to speak without thinking.

The spelling of “habbit” is incorrect. In addition to that, “to speak” is actually not proper grammar, and is incorrect as well. Please be reminded that “to [verb]” often carries the meaning of “~하기위해”. So, your originally translated sentence sounds like “John은 생각하지 않고 말하기 위해 그의 습관 때문에 자주 곤경에 처하곤 했다.”, which is an incorrect translation. Therefore, you had to use the “of speaking” to describe his “bad habit” instead.

I apologize if my intention wasn’t clear! The purpose of this course is to help you improve English, and is not all about the score. Therefore, I try my best to suggest different ways in the comments section to help you improve, even when your sentences aren’t necessarily wrong.

If you have more questions, I would be more than happy to answer them!! :)


JOO YOUNG NAM 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

I know spelling was wrong.
But when it comes to grammar, I just wanted to confirm it once again. :)
Thank you for a detailed explanation, which helps me to understand clearly.
Have a nice day!
Joo Young

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