Glenn College

[Business Interpretation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2)] I have few questions.


Name Donggyu Yeo Date24-06-26 13:18 View626 Comment1


Hi, Mason! This is Donggyu.
I have a few questions about this course.

First of all, Could you please adjust the time for the weekly call?
Since I don't live in Seoul, it's still dawn in where I am(I'm in Dubai).
So unfortunately, I missed your recent phone call. 
Is it possible to adjust the time?

Second question is about the overall interpretaion skill.
I've been learning various interpretation skills from your lessons which are so informative. Thanks :)
But, I wonder if you deduct my score on the test when I use different expressions for the same sentences we learned in the class.
Or, is it okay just to use my pressions but it still has same meanings.

Thanks for reading.

Best regards, Donggyu.

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