[Online TESOL] Module 7
Name Miri Jeong Date24-07-14 05:04 View493 Comment2Content
Again, sorry.
I always worry about that I would not complete the answer within 30 minute.
Here is the answer of Q.10
thanks a lot always
Miri Jeong
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Advantages : The most basic thing is that it is easy to pause, stop, rewind, fast forward, etc., and it is really good for dialogues, which usually include more than one character. If I read myself, it`s a little bit boring because every character sounds same. Over time students will become very accustomed to my voice, my body language, facial gestures, but recorded material has different voices, and no body language. So it is more challenging. It`s good for test because it`s a little bit harder for students. It is another advantage to introduce students to the variety of different accents and dialects in the english speaking world.
disadvantage: Students could less focus on the sound from recorded materials compared to reading directly. If I read myself, students would more concentrate on the sound, because they would be keeping an eye contact with me, and I would pace myself depend on the context.