Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Questions about quizzes


Name Eunbyeol Go Date19-08-04 22:01 View4,639 Comment1


Hello, teacher Allan. This is Bonnie from your TESOL class.
Hope you are well and always thanks for your great class.

I wrote this post to you because I have some things to ask and those are below :)

- Module 1 Quiz, No. 7 - It said False for 'Noise is a major problem associated with pair and group work activities.' but in the lecture, you told us that Noise is one of the main problems for group work activity and that was the first thing to come up when we talked about it. So, I wonder why it is False.

- Module 2 Quiz, No. 5 - It said True for 'When we present important vocabulary, we should put them in the margins'. However, I don't quite get why it should be on the side rather than in the middle. Is it because we have to keep writing in the middle of the blackboard about the things regarding lectures, and important vocab shouldn't be erased because of those writings?

- Module 5 Quiz, No.6 - Correct answer is False for 'Using real objects is a great way to explain complicated structures'. However, I think I learned using visual aids can be a way for explaining structures. Is the answer False because the question said "great" or "complicated structures"? I want to know the reason why it is False.

- Midterm, No. 2 - It's almost the same with the first question I asked above. It said it's False for 'One of the biggest disadvantages of pair and group work activities is the amount of noise that is created'. Like I mentioned, noise is one of the biggest problem while we are doing pair and group work activities. I wonder why it is False.

Those are the questions I want to ask you. It would be really appreciated if you get back to me with explanation :) !
Thanks a lot in advance and hope you have a lovely day!


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Allan Scafe님의 댓글

Allan Scafe 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi again Bonnie,

So, let's take a look at those questions!

In regards to your first question about module 1, question 7, if you listen carefully while I do mention that noise can be a problem for older teachers, as long as the students are speaking English we should be satisfied.  Thus, the answer is 'false'.

Module 2, question 5, you are basically correct.  We should basically put grammar structures in the centre of the board, and put important vocabulary on the side.  If we consistently do this, it makes it easier for students to truly understand what the important grammar and vocab are.

Module 5, question 6, you are half-correct.  Visual examples are a great way to help explain the meaning of a structure; however, when it comes to presenting more complicated structures (higher level material) oftentimes we can't use visual objects.  Remember, there are two ways to present the meaning of a structures: visually and by using situational examples.  When it comes to presenting complicated structures, we usually have to rely on situational examples, and thus the answer is false.

Midterm, question 2, same as the previous answer.

Well, I hope that was helpful.  If not, please post again and I will try to get back to you asap!

Have a wonderful day!

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