Glenn College

[Online TESOL] MODULE 5 - QUIZ - Q2


Name Ngoc Thanh Chau Nguyen Date24-07-22 04:34 View722 Comment1


Dear Mr. Allan,

When I did the Quiz 2, I was confused about the Role-Play activities which I thought it could be used with the visual aids too, but then I got that wrong. I admit that using visual aids for instructions is good, but role-play activity is good as well because as far as I remember (the video from Module 5 - Video 2:  Using Flashcards & Charts) does mention about using Flashcards as Role-Play activity. 

Could you explain this more in details, please! 

Your explanation will assist me a lot. Thank you so much.

Best regards,
Nguyen Ngoc Thanh Chau. 

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