Glenn College

[Business Translation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2)] Module 5 E to K 10강


Name Jiwoo Kim Date24-08-01 07:34 View346 Comment1


Module 5 E to K 10강 article module 5-4에서 'This is to help you in effectively marketing the new models introduced in August, which unfortunately coincided with big fluctuations in foreign exchange rates.'를 '이 결정은 안타깝게도 외화 환율의 큰 변동을 동시에 타게 되는 8월에 새롭게 출시될 모델에 대한 효과적인 마케팅을 돕기 위해서입니다.'라고 번역하셨는데, 'that will be introduced in August'도 아니고, 그 뒤에 'coincided' 과거형으로 나온 것을 봐서는 '8월에 출시된'으로 번역하는 게 맞지 않나요?

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Mason 님의 댓글

Mason 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hello Lydia,

Thank you for the question!

Upon checking, I definitely agree with your translation! Here, the context is clear that the introduction of the new models already happened in the past (which is August), so the correct translation should say "8월에 새롭게 출시된".

Glad you picked it up and thank you for bringing it to our attention!

Best regards,

Mason U, CMI-Korean
Business Interpretation and Translation in Korean (BIT-K) Instructor

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