[Online TESOL] Questions about the lecture!!
Name Yoon Hur Date24-08-15 07:21 View667 Comment2Content
1.About "Types of Interaction":
Q1) I don't understand what Demonstration exactly means. Are there some examples? Does it simply mean Modeling(repetition) or Writing?
Q2) In case of demonstration, what is the difference in interaction between "Teacher to Students" and "Teacher to Class"? (Doesn't Students=Class?)
Q3) In the lecture, "Class to Student" meant for 'student's presentation' activities. If a student is giving a presentation to the class, shouldn't the order be backwards? into "Student to Class"?
2. About Lesson Plan
Q4) The final assignment is to create a week's lesson plan. What is the standard of the "week", as in how many lessons/days/hours does it have to include? Does a week lesson mean that it is for five weekdays? How many hours per day? etc.
Q5) In terms of the stages of a lesson plan, in the lecture (learning activities), you mentioned that "Guessing games" is a Production stage. But in the previous lesson, it is also mentioned that in Speaking activities, Guessing games should "practice" structures or vocabulary.
So is "Guessing games" a production stage, a practice stage, or a speaking stage?
Q6) In learning activities, what stage is "role play"? is it practice stage, or speaking stage?
Q1) I don't understand what Demonstration exactly means. Are there some examples? Does it simply mean Modeling(repetition) or Writing?
Q2) In case of demonstration, what is the difference in interaction between "Teacher to Students" and "Teacher to Class"? (Doesn't Students=Class?)
Q3) In the lecture, "Class to Student" meant for 'student's presentation' activities. If a student is giving a presentation to the class, shouldn't the order be backwards? into "Student to Class"?
2. About Lesson Plan
Q4) The final assignment is to create a week's lesson plan. What is the standard of the "week", as in how many lessons/days/hours does it have to include? Does a week lesson mean that it is for five weekdays? How many hours per day? etc.
Q5) In terms of the stages of a lesson plan, in the lecture (learning activities), you mentioned that "Guessing games" is a Production stage. But in the previous lesson, it is also mentioned that in Speaking activities, Guessing games should "practice" structures or vocabulary.
So is "Guessing games" a production stage, a practice stage, or a speaking stage?
Q6) In learning activities, what stage is "role play"? is it practice stage, or speaking stage?
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