Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Quiz5


Name Ahhyeon choi Date19-12-10 23:48 View4,686 Comment3


I took a quiz 5 just before, but I incorrect number 2 and 6.
I don't know why the question number 2 is incorrect. I need some explanation.
Also, in number 6, the question was 'Using real objects is a great way to explain complicated structures.'
I was so confused because I don't know the degree(?),  standard of 'complicated'.
I thought that using visual aids like real objects is the best if I can and even if the structure is complicated, I thought that I can explain better with real objects. Therefore, I checked true in that question. I had a bad score this time......:(

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Allan Scafe님의 댓글

Allan Scafe 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi Ahhyeon Choi,

Well, let's take a look at those questions:

In regards to question 2, there were four options:  1.) explaining vocabulary, 2.) role play activities, 3.) explaining instructions, and 4.) explaining structures.  Honestly, visual aids could be used to explain all of them, but are not always very useful for role play activities (it just depends on the role play).  For vocabulary and structures, they can be really useful, and they can be even useful for explaining instructions.

In regards to question 6, I can understand your confusion.  However, keep in mind, that while visual aids can be really useful for explaining structures, when we have to explain more complicated structures, we often have to rely on providing students with 'situational examples' instead of using visual aids.  That's why the answer is false. 

Well, I hope that makes sense, but if not, just reply and I will try to get back to you asap.  Other than that, try to have a wonderful day, and don't let the fact that you got two answers wrong trouble you too much!

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