Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Module4 Question5


Name Ji Hyun Kim Date19-12-18 08:38 View4,323 Comment1


I have a question about Module 4, Question 5.
I think the correct answer is 2)False because in Lesson 8, you said, "Charts and graphs can be used for post-reading activities"
Therefore, if the answer of question 5 "Having students fill in a chart, graph, or table (while) doing a reading activity is a great way to help students stay focused and also a great way of helping them prepare good notes for later review." is 1) true,  the question should be changed from "while" to "after".

Or do I have something to miss?

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Allan Scafe님의 댓글

Allan Scafe 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi Ji Hyun Kim,

Unfortunately the answer is still true.  While it is true that having students fill in a chart or graph is good for post-reading activities, it can also be good to have students fill in a chart or graph while they're reading.  This would be similar to the activity that we did in that lesson about filling some medical information about different body parts while students read the text. 

Well, I hope that makes sense.  If not, please post again and have a wonderful day!

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