[Online TESOL] module4
Name Ji Yoon Heo Date20-03-28 01:01 View4,750 Comment2Content
Q1. Having students fill in a chart, graph, or table while doing a reading activity is a great way to help students stay focused and also a great way of helping them prepare good notes for later review.-> True
->Why is it true? Having students fill in a chart, graph, or table should be afterward activities. I think they're post reading activities.
Q2. You can make any form of practice more meaningful by adding “how?”.->False
->Why is it false? I really don't get it..
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Hi Ji Yoon,
Both of these questions are a bit tricky!
Now, in regards to your first question, although we did discuss filling in a chart, table or graph as an activity that we could do afterwards, we also discussed filling it in while reading. In this case, it really would help to keep students focused and leave them with good notes. Does that make sense?
In regards to your second question, the reason why it is false is that while sometimes adding "how" will be useful in order to make an activity more meaningful, it won't always work. Imagine we ask students, "what is your favourite ________(food, sport, music, etc.)?". Students respond, and afterwards, we ask "how?". In this case, "how" does not make sense. If we asked them "why" or perhaps a different question, then yes, we could make it more meaningful, but "how" does not help here. Basically it depends on the structure practiced in the activity. Does that make sense?
Well, I hope that helps and have a wonderful weekend!