Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Important! 2020 Winter Holiday Break Announcement!


Name Allan Scafe Date20-12-01 13:37 View4,258 Comment0


Hello everyone,

As the Christmas holiday season soon approaches we want to inform you all that GC will be officially closed from December 21st to January 3rd. I will still be marking during this time, and our technical admin will still be working as well, but it is possible that there will be delays since I will be at home and celebrating Christmas with my family. Please expect delays and do not worry so much about your end date. If you submit a final assignment before your end date, and you do not receive a mark for your final assignment until after your end date, do not worry. It will not affect your mark and your submission will not be counted as late.

Anyways, we just wanted to inform you all so that there is no confusion.  Just in case I do not mention this later, I wish you all a merry little Christmas and a happy new year as well!

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