Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Regarding midterm


Name Young woo Choi Date21-01-17 08:02 View4,478 Comment2


Dear Allan,

I always appreciate your passionate lecture, and do love your jokes, to be honest.
While talking on the phone, I really enjoyed your experience here in Korea like gimbap chunguk :)

I've just finished my midterm, and unfortunately, before entering my correct answer for the last question, it has automatically submitted.
I'm not sure whether the allotted time passed or not, since I was so busy thinking of the answers of tricky questions you've given to me.

After entering wrong answers to the question(I wrote how students can practice the words with practicing structure), I came to realize I had misunderstood. So, I rewrote new one about asking questions on the Word, but the system didn't allow me to write my new answer.

Would it be possible for you to mark my score with my comment below? I would be so grateful if you could do that.

Thank you.

Best regards

Young woo

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Allan Scafe님의 댓글

Allan Scafe 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi Young Woo Choi,

Sorry that it took me so long to get back to you.  Anyhow, don't worry; I can use what you have written here when marking your answer, because I know that from time to time students experience technical issues, or accidentally submit something before they have actually finished. 

I should be able to get it marked sometime later this afternoon.  Have a great day!

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