Mr. Allan. I have some questions ^^
Name sojin Date15-04-03 01:28 View9,514 Comment2Content
Actually, i can't understand why pattern practice can't be pairwork or groupwork..
in the lesson, you explained that reading comprehension , pattern practice and discussion could be pairwork or groupwork. have i misunderstood that?.. i am confused a little bit.
in addition, you said that Pattern practice is a good exercise for grammer. .
then, if pattern pratice cant be a pairwork or group, i think grammar exercises cant be either, can they?
(i am talking about No 2 in Module 1 ^^;)
and, one more question, you said, recording a video when teaching or pretending to teach is good to observer ourselves.
then, pretending to do in front of mirror is quite similar with recording a video , isn't it? ^^;;
maybe, at the moment, although we can see ourselve, we might not be able to keep in eyes on ourselve... right?
and, last.. ^^( i am sorry to ask many questions at once)
"Setting a time limit and monitoring the class are 2 things techers can do before starting a pair or groupwork activity"
it is false, the reason is because "mornitoring the class" can be done only during the class, not before the class.
is it right?? or other reasons??
i look forward to your reply ^^
have a good and lovely day!
Warm regards.
Sojin Kim
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Sorry about responding so late to your question. From now on I will be checking the Q&A more frequently, so I will make sure to answer your questions much faster from now on.
Anyhow, let's take a look at your first question. Hmm, I'm a bit confused about your question. Was this from the quiz? Did you get the answer wrong? Anyways, pattern practice can be used for pair or group work, but it is not very effective use of time, since it could be done as a class. When I said that it was a good way to practice grammar, I mean that as a class we could put a grammar structure on the board, practice it as a class, and then move on to another type of practice.
Let's take a look at your second question. Ahh yes, practicing in front of a mirror. This is, of course, really okay, but not the best way to observe yourself, because it is hard to observe and analyze oneself while speaking at the same time. Obviously watching a recording of yourself teaching a class is a far better way to observe your strengths and weaknesses! It is not a complete waste of time, but still, it would be better to observe yourself in a different way.
Let's take a look at your third question. Yes, you are right. That was a trick question. Of course monitoring is something you must do while students are working on something, but of course that can only be done once the students are actively working. You are correct!
Well, I hope that helps. Please post any other questions you may have on the Q&A and I will try to respond to you at least within 24 hours! Oh, and have a good day!
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sojin 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date
Thank you so much for replying to it. it helps so much. after reading my first question again, i noticed that it was quite weird hahah. but you got me understanding anyway.^^
i will ask you whenever i wonder about the lesson! Thanks!