Glenn College

[Online TESOL] 2questions


Name HeSeon Lee Date17-01-17 17:21 View5,091 Comment1


Hi, teacher Allan.

I know you're super busy but I have 2 questions here.

  A while ago, I asked  the meaning of < Each question is out of 8 marks for a total of 32 marks>.
After reading your answer. I just infer that the marks mean score, so total score is 32 and each question is 8 score. Does that make sense?
  One more question, I 'm really confused the word < guiding questions>. Are that questions made by students themselves during pre-reading activity to motivate?  Or do they mean those questions used post-reading activities?
Thanks for your time.
HeSeon lee

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Allan Scafe님의 댓글

Allan Scafe 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi He Seon Lee,

Well, let's take a look at those questions:

In regards to your first, yes, you got it!

Guiding questions are questions that we provide to students before a reading, or listening, activity starts.  The purpose of these questions is to lead students towards important information in the text (whether for a reading activity or for a listening activity).  So, just make sure that you provide these questions to students either on a sheet of paper, or written  on the board, BEFORE they start reading.  They should read the questions, then search for answers while reading or listening, and this will help them understand the meaning of the text.

Well, I hope that helps.  Also, don't worry about bothering me, if there is something that you truly cannot understand, continue to post questions on the Q&A board.

Have a wonderful day!

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