Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Checking request for Final Assignment


Name Su Jeong Kim Date17-04-26 04:31 View5,634 Comment2


Hi Allan,
Finally, I submitted the final assignment file, today (4/26)
By the way, when I push the button [ submit]  there was  a system error, so I push 'the submit button' again.
I am worried about my assignment is submitted well.
I know you have lots of other final assignments to check, so you are very busy now.
I will wait for your checking with patience .
For your easy checking , my word file name is - final assignment su jeong kim-
Thanks for your lecture and help until now.  :)

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Allan Scafe님의 댓글

Allan Scafe 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi Su Jeong Kim,

I just took a quick look to see if everything was okay with your final assignment, and it looks great!  Unfortunately, I will need a couple of days to get it marked, since there is quite a backlog of quizzes, tests, and final assignments that I need to get marked within the next couple of days.

So, don't worry, it looks fine, and you should receive a mark for your final assignment sometime within the next couple of days. 

Have a wonderful day!

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