Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Module 4 quiz and midterm


Name JI WON LEE Date17-04-29 07:41 View5,197 Comment1


Hi, Allan. I'm Jiwon.
I have some questions about the module 4 quiz and midterm exam.

In question number 3 of module 4 quiz,
it says "Getting students to make sentences from prompts" is NOT a way to make practicing structures more meaningful.
Is that because single word prompts or picture prompts activities are just a repetition?

In the last question of midterm exam, I didn't know that the space (Enter key on the keyboard) was not allowed.
Because of that, my structure table became a terrible answer...
  Like this :

I chose the second topic. I would explain 'must' and 'must not.' I be hurry You must do homework She apologize He ------------------------------------------------------ We smoke here They must not reveal her secret enter I would keep the students' attention while writing this structure table on the board by 1) speaking while writing, 2) asking students for suggestions, 3) asking students to copy. In order to use this structure table for practice, I would 1) point at the table and have students repeat, 2) have students create their own example sentences using the structure, 3) provide students with a situation and ask them to create an answer.

Actually the real answer was [
I                                              be hurry
You        must                      do homework
She                                          apologize
We      must not                    smoke here
They                                        reveal her secret

I would keep the students' attention while writing this structure table on the board by 1) speaking while writing, 2) asking students for suggestions, 3) asking students to copy.
In order to use this structure table for practice, I would 1) point at the table and have students repeat, 2) have students create their own example sentences using the structure, 3) provide students with a situation and ask them to create an answer.

What should I do in this case?

Thank you for reading the long questions.
Have a nice day.

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Allan Scafe님의 댓글

Allan Scafe 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi Ji Won,

Let's take a look at your questions!

In regards to your first question about quiz 4, question 3, you are right. Single word prompts and picture prompts are good forms of practice.  However, they are not meaningful forms of practice, because they're kind of like "copy and paste" activities.  Therefore, while they are still good forms of practice, they shouldn't be done for a long period of time.

In regards to your second question about the midterm.  Don't worry, I will use the answer you have posted here.

Well I hope that helps and have a wonderful day! 

P.S.  I'm sorry about getting back to you so late.  A family member recently had a medical emergency and I did not have time to mark as a result.

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