Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Module 6 Quiz - Question 10


Name Sohyun Park Date21-09-02 06:33 View1,524 Comment1


I am a bit confused with the score given to my answer.

To elicit the word "ashamed", I've given an example questions of "How would you feel if your friend found out that you lied to her/him? ".
I think it's quite similar to what the teacher gave as an example in his comment("How do you feel when you have to give a speech in front of the class?  "). In such case, I don't understand why I wasn't given any credit for my answer.

Also, I'd like to know an example of eliciting the word "moose". It would be nice if you could help me understand why my answers(Can you name some animals with horns? What animals come to you mind when you think of winter and snow? Or maybe Christmas?) are not correct.

Thank you,

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Allan Scafe님의 댓글

Allan Scafe 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi Sohyun,

I have no problem with those comments, they're actually good!  The two comments that made no sense to me that you made were "[ashamed] - When you are feeling ashamed, you are usually embarrassed of your behavior" and "- a moose is kind of deer".  It was my understanding that you would say these two sentences to the class.  If you provided these sentences to the class, then it is not eliciting; it is just presenting because you already provided the words that you are trying to elicit. 

If you did not include those comments, then your answer would have been fine. 

Does that make sense?  If not, just post again and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.  Have  a great day!

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