Glenn College



Name CHARLINE CHOI Date17-07-24 06:25 View5,622 Comment3


Hello teacher allan,
I just submitted my final assignment, but when I check it it seems it didn't appear in it ....
I don't know if it submiited properly or not. I am so worried becuase my class is until july 26.
If you received it , please notify me so that i will not be worried.

always, charline

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Allan Scafe님의 댓글

Allan Scafe 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi Charline,

I just checked your final assignment, and it looks good, so no need to worry.  Also, as long as your final assignment was submitted before the 26th, which it was, you are totally fine.

On another note, it might take a while for you to receive your mark.  I am currently marking a much higher number of submissions than normal, and therefore you will probably not receive a mark until later this week, or possibly on the weekend.  I also have to keep in mind that I have to give you an extra mark for pointing out that error regarding one of the questions in a previous quiz.

Anyhow, I hope this puts your mind at ease.  Your final assignment looked quite good, and you should receive a mark for it sometime later this week.

Have a great day!


CHARLINE CHOI 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi there teacher allan,,,,,
Thank you for that reply, now I am at ease. By the way, I want to say thank you for everything, from module 1 up to module 10 and until here in the final assignment. Having you as my mentor here in online tesol is worth while remembering, because it doesn't only gives me knowledge, techniques, method,  of teaching english to different ages  but at the same time it makes me feels WOW and it surprises me in  every modules by your style as a teacher. 
I will always keep in mind & I will apply the things that I've learned from  you in this class to become an effective teacher in my future lessons.
Godspeed and God bless you teacher allan!!! You are awesome!
Once again, THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HARDwoks!!!!  And your jokes while you are having a discussion in class keep lingers in my mind from time to time and it makes me laugh sometimes..... Everything from this class especially the teacher, the lessons are very much appreciated....


Allan Scafe님의 댓글

Allan Scafe 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi again Charline Choi,

I just finished marking your final assignment, and I hope that you'll be glad to know that you did very well.  To be honest, your lesson plan is actually one of the best lesson plans that I have read, and perhaps the best so far this year (although I shouldn't compare). 
I actually meant to respond to your message earlier, but got distracted.  Oh, and thank you for pointing out that mistake earlier.

Anyhow, thank you so much for your kind words of appreciation.  I hope you can use what you have learned throughout the course to help you further yourself in your career and I wish you the best of luck and health!

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