Glenn College

[Online TESOL] About Final assignment


Name KYEONGJIN SONG Date17-08-01 22:53 View5,440 Comment1


Hello~ Allan
I just found out my final assignment still was not scored.
My class was valid until yesterday.
Is everything gonna be okay?
I submitted my final assignment on 22nd or 23rd Jul.
I hope there is no problem.
Can you tell me that what is going on?

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Allan Scafe님의 댓글

Allan Scafe 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 Date

Hi Kyeong Jin Song,

Don't worry, everything is fine.  As long as you submitted your final assignment before your course deadline you're okay.  So, basically don't worry!

The reason why you have not received a score yet is because, unfortunately we've been much busier than usual, and I am behind on marking.  However, I think I will have enough time to mark your final assignment fairly soon, so you should receive a mark for your final assignment within the next 24 hours.

Well, I hope that helps and puts your mind at ease!  Have a great day!

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