Glenn College

[Business Translation (Advanced - ITT Level 1,2)] Question


Name Samuel Waltz Date22-07-06 07:08 View1,464 Comment1


I have a question about marking homework and the end date of the course.

My ITT Translation course ends this Thursday, which is July 7th. I have handed in all my remaining homework, and submitted the final exam and the ITT exam(the very last one).

I have noticed that it takes about 3-5 days to get a homework marked and a final score for the exams.

If I submit the last 3 homework files, my final exam, and the ITT exam 1 day before the end date of the course, what will happen?

I'm asking because as of today, which is July 6th, I am now waiting for 5 things to get marked, and the course end date is tomorrow.

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