Glenn College

Hospitality foundation 100 Program (3 + 3)

What Is Hospitality foundation 100 Program?


Hospitality foundation 100 Program (3 + 3)

Glenn College’s Business English & Hospitality Foundation Program is a two course, 12- week program that will improve English skills with business and hospitality topics. The aim of the course is to familiarize students to North American business culture and the basics of the hospitality industry for employment at entry level.


The first part of the program is the 8-week Business English course that explores important concepts and topics that are the foundations of our modern-day business world while being immersed in both an English and Business learning environment where the students are encouraged to be business conscious within a cultural context. The second part of the program is a 4-week Lodging and Food Service Industry course offered by AHLEI and focuses on the basics of the hospitality industry in a North American context.


Upon completion of this program, the successful student will have reliably demonstrated the ability to:

  1. List the important areas of a business and list the common types of businesses and provide examples of each.
  2. Recognize and provide definitions of common phrases, idioms, and words used in the business industry
  3. Create a business meeting agenda, write formal emails, and conduct a formal telephone conversation.
  4. Explain what ethics is and describe the most ethical method of action when in a possible unethical situation.
  5. Familiar with the process of being interviewed and respond to any questions asked in an interview in a work setting appropriate way.
  6. Explain the relation of lodging and food and beverage operations to the travel and tourism industry.
  7. Explain and summarize the organization and structure of lodging and food services industries.
  8. List the common divisions or functional areas of the hospitality industry (rooms, food and beverage, engineering, marketing and sales, accounting, human resources, and security), and explain the responsibilities and activities of each.
  9. Analyze the importance of each division in achieving the objectives of a lodging and/or food service operation.

At the end of Glenn College’s Business English & Hospitality Foundation Program (BEHPP), students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the business industry and work culture and the basics of the food and lodging industry in a North American context.

* This program has been approved by the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education & Future Skills.

Instructional Activities, Design and Delivery Mode


The program has been designed to involve students in a variety of learning environments and instructional delivery methods. Throughout the lecture component of the program students participate in lectures, small group discussions, guest speakers, role plays, and excursions to businesses, hotels, and restaurants.


Most of the classroom time exposes students to both the theory and practical application of business work and hospitality concepts. Course assignments, such as case studies and projects, in addition to quizzes strengthen the understanding of course topics and give students opportunities to apply the knowledge learned in the classroom. Some projects require students to choose their own topic, allowing them to research information and ideas that are of interest and in keeping with their own career goals.


Every student will be required to complete 280 hours of co-op to get a chance to apply the knowledge and skills they’ve received in a professional setting and gain valuable hands-on experience.

Program Outline

Program Organization

Students must complete all of:

Title of Course # of Hours
GC Business English Course 200
HOSP 100 The Lodging and Food Service Industry 80
Work Experience Term (Co-op) 280

Program and Homework Duration
Total program hours: In-class (280 hours; 16 weeks) + Work Experience (280 hours; 8 weeks)
= 560 hours over 24 weeks in 6 months

Homework hours per week: 10-15 hours

Required Program Materials

List of course textbooks:

Title of Textbook
GC Business English curriculum (provided)
The Lodging and Food Service Industry, 8e G.W. Lattin, T.W. Lattin, J.E. Lattin, AHLEI

Admissions Requirements

  • Minimum 18 years old.
  • Proof of English proficiency through one of the following:
    • BC English 12 with a minimum C+ grade
    • IELTS 5 or TOEFL equivalent
    • Glenn College English Proficiency Test with an 80% minimum

Methods of Evaluation

  • Individual assignments
  • Group assignments
  • Weekly course quizzes
  • Final course examinations
  • Student Performance Evaluation (completed by workplace supervisors after co-op)
  • Final Work Experience Report

Delivery Method

  • In-class instruction: 100% hours of instruction delivered in a classroom or other setting, where instructors share the same physical space as students. Intermittent model intake.

Graduation Requirements

  • Minimum of 70% grade per course of the program to obtain the AHLEI course certificate for Food and Lodging and the GC Business English & Hospitality Foundation Program Certificate.
  • Successful completion of the co-op component of the program, accompanied by a student performance evaluation completed by workplace supervisors and a work term review completed by students.

Career Occupations

  • Room service and housekeeping attendee, food and beverage server, food and beverage kitchen staff, customer service entry level positions
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