Glenn College

[Medical English Course 3- Essential Medical Vocabulary] suggestions and corrections


Name minkwan bae Date20-06-04 00:19 View2,364 Comment1


first, in midterm test , can you not consider the missing s? and in numbers 16 and 17 is not checked yet.
 second, module 4 number 16- this and the is okay i guess the sentence "please take a seat in this chair", number 17- can you not consider the missing s in x-rays?, number 19 - a health care practitioner /provider/or professional is accepted in medical field right?

in module, number 11 - there is a multiple answer but I got one correct answer but no point?
lastly in final exam, i think number 20 is giving medicine because the file said giving anti-bacterial so i think my answer is correct and number 6 also please do check. and no points given yet in numbers 21 and 22.

 please can you be considerate in small mistakes?

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