Glenn College


  Greeting From Head Teacher

Located in one of the world's most beautiful and livable cities, Vancouver, British Columbia, Glenn College is well situated for those wishing to improve their English and enjoy their life at the same time. Glenn College is situated in the downtown core of Vancouver, where students can experience the variety of cultures that make Vancouver one of the most diverse cities in the world.

Our mission at Glenn College is simple, and yet complicated at the same time. We want to improve our students' English, and provide students with an environment in which they can thrive. Teachers and staff members are devoted to creating an environment in which everyone feels valued, and everyone feels like their English is improving. We also understand that students learn English in different ways, and at a different pace. Our classes and schedules were made to be flexible, and we will try our best to make sure that everyone learns at their own pace, and is afforded the flexibility they deserve. This is our mission, as easy, or as complicated as it sounds.

Many of the teachers working at Glenn College have worked or studied abroad in a multitude of different countries, and are therefore sensitive to the needs and feelings of students who are living abroad for the very first time. Many of our staff members as well, also come from abroad, and are also familiar with the feelings, and emotions that many international students will go through when living in a foreign country for the first time. At Glenn College we do our best to allay our students' concerns and fears, while also providing our students with the best English education we possibly can.

Whether you study at Glenn College for a short amount of time or stay here for an extended period of time, we hope to do our best to serve you. Class sizes at Glenn College vary, but we do our best to maintain small, intimate class sizes in order to better facilitate our students improvement.

Allan Edward Scafe
Head Teacher of Glenn College

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Location: #298, 1199 W PENDER ST, VANCOUVER, BC V6E 2R1
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