Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Midterm Q16


Name yeseul lee Date20-05-18 10:43 View3,047 Comment1


Hi Allan! How are you?
This is my first time to ask you question. I just took midterm and there was not enough time for me. So sad....
I couldn’t finish my answer of question 16 and I would like to write it down here, so if you don’t mind can you please refer to this answer in my midterm?

Provide antonyms and acting techniques would be best to explain those words. That will help the students for better understandings. I will say them “today we’re going to learn sneak and awkward. And show the pictures and act it. I would also provide some antonyms, so they will understand much better like sneak - snitch, creep, pinch, etc. awkward - uncomfortable, difficult, inconvenient, etc.

 3 good questions for “sneak“ would be: 1.) Have you ever sneaked/snuck into your room? 2.) Would you rather sneak into an ice cream shop or a toy store?" 3.) What kind of people often sneak around? (1 yes/no, 1 - or, and then 1 - wh- question). 

3 good questions for “awkward” would be: 1.) Have I come at an awkward time? 2.) Are you feel awkward or shy when you make a new friend? 3.) when do you feel awkward? (1 yes/no, 1 - or, and then 1 - wh- question).

Please, do me a favor. Thank you so much as always.
Have a great day Allan.

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