Glenn College

[Online TESOL] Questions regarding the Final Assignment


Name Ji-soo Lee Date23-01-26 04:06 View2,704 Comment2


Dear Allan,

I have some questions regarding the final assignment. I would appreciate it if you could answer my questions below.

1. For the final assignment, is there a particular time limit for creating a lesson plan, or do we just need to submit it before the end of the course?

2. May I create a lesson plan with the class being 50 minutes long? Is there a specific time limit for the class?

3. How many activities should be used in the class? If I were to do a 50-minute class, would two activities be sufficient?

4. Since my lesson plan could be used by others, would I need to include every single word I would say in the lesson plan, like a script?

5. May I teach any vocabulary or grammar structure in the lesson plan, or are there particular terms I need to include in my lesson plan?

6. Would I need to think that my students are Korean or those from an English-speaking country?

I would be really grateful if you could let me know the requirements in the lesson plan.

Thank you.

P.S. It was a pleasure listening to your classes. I really enjoyed your jokes as well. I haven't watched the movie Batman vs. Superman yet, but I don't think I would watch it thanks to you. Thank you so much for your passionate classes. I hope I will become a teacher like you someday.

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